What can Nepali Christians do during the Corona lock-down?

What can Nepali Christians do during the Corona lock-down?

Corona Virus has forced Nepal into a nationwide lockdown. Nepali Christian communities along their Hindu neighbors are forbidden to park take in a communal form of religious activities. Nepali Christians have faced a crisis that has shaken their basis of identity, a weekly gathering for worship on Saturday. Weekly gathering at a certain place at a certain time of the week defines their identity. Their other very essential weekly communal activity of doing home-fellowship (a kind of cell-group gathering of Nepali Christians in each member house in turn) is also in halt. Nepali Christians have known themselves as the believers of Jesus Christ, Churchgoers, hymn singers, and people are known to pray for their country and neighbors.  However, the nationwide lockdown due to Covid-19 that spread worldwide has halted their sole being of Christians. In other words, they are facing an identity crisis. Now the routine of their life is no different from their Hindu neighbors, who stay inside their home doing nothing regularly. Most of their Hindu neighbors at least have their own domestic gods to look to when they cannot visit the temple outside of their homes. Church leaders find their own time to read and reflect on the Bible, give weekly sermon through various online media, the ordinary church members are the ones who face crisis most. Here are some of the things that Nepali Christians do during the lock-down, or Nepali Pastors can teach their members to do so.

1.      Practice their priesthood in Christ:

Most of the Nepali Believers are dependent on their pastor for prayer, teachings, and other spiritual needs. When they are sick, they ask their pastors to pray before they pray themselves. Nepali Christians read the bible through their pastors and have very little personal devotions apart from the ones they do in their Christian community. Since during the lockdown all these are not available, it’s a golden chance to utilize their position of being royal priesthood of most high. We Christians (the pastor and believers) are the royal priesthood of God in Christ. [1 Peter 2:9 NIV; But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.] God listens to their prayer as much as their pastors. God speaks to them in their own meditation of the word of God as much through their pastors. Nepali pastor should let their believers realize their potential in God and be in their own devotional life. When the COVID-19 lockdown ends, Nepali Church will find their believers much stronger than before in grounded in their faith. Nepali Christian become strong believers when they are taught to utilize their potential in God.

2.      Begin their own ministry in their neighborhood:

Nepali Christian has been doing many social works in societies, such as opening Children's homes, etc. However, most of their ministry is supported by sponsors from abroad. Not many such ministries are done by Nepalis with their own resources. This is the time of great need. Many Nepalis are suffering of very basic needs. Nepali Christians should begin their own ministry of sharing with their neighbors. God wants Nepali Christians to be proactive to share God’s love with their neighbors. It is not time to talk about God’s love rather show it in the most unselfish manner. When Nepali Christians pray for their neighbors, its time to be vigilant to their physical needs. Nepali pastors should not expect a donation from a foreign sponsor to help their neighbors, rather they should mobilize their church members to begin sharing with their neighbors in their own capacity. Meeting the needs of the people will be stronger gospel than what we share with our words. This is the opportunity to share the good news of the love of God even without mentioning a word. By sharing with the neighbors, they will not only hear the love of God but see it with their own eyes.

COVID 19 coronavirus is not God’s plan to bring, it’s the evil that’s active among God’s people. But this is a time God wants to partner with us to show his concern with our neighbors. God wants evidence that we really believe Him, follow him, and seize every opportunity to share his love with others.

-Pabitra M. Bhandari/ May 15, 2020